HLA class I defects and resistance to immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors

Seminar Announcement

Speaker:  Prof. Soldano Ferrone

Professor  of  Surgery at

Massachusetts General  Hospital Boston US

Harvard  Medical  School

Place:  Conference  Room 

CNR-Area di Ricerca RM2 – Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100  RM

DateMonday, 17 October  2016

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Title: HLA class I defects and resistance to immunotherapy  with checkpoint inhibitors

Host: Dr. Giuseppe Sconocchia 

Acting Director IFT       

All  interested  are welcome

I Conferenza aziendale USL Toscana Centro – ITT – ARTOI


FIRENZE 11-13 novembre 2016


L’oncologia integrata è una realtà consolidata a livello internazionale,  eu- ropeo e nazionale nella clinica e nella ricerca, formata da strutture, centri, esperienze e attività concrete che saranno descritte e messe a disposizione di medici e ricercatori in un importante evento internazionale.

Questo congresso, promosso dall’Azienda USL Toscana centro e da ARTOI in collaborazione con l’Istituto Toscano Tumori, è un’occasione per pro- muovere lo scambio delle conoscenze, lo sviluppo dell’integrazione e per disegnare nuove prospettive nei percorsi di cura nell’ambito della Com- prehensive Cancer Network. Una rete che raccordi tutte le realtà che nel mondo perseguono esperienze di oncologia integrata.

Il congresso presenta gli ultimi risultati della ricerca sperimentale e clinica con l’obiettivo di definire protocolli terapeutici efficaci, sostenibili e inte- grati per il paziente oncologico nell’ambito della Supportive Cancer Care. È una sfida per valorizzare l’impegno quotidiano a fianco dei malati di tu- more, esplorare nuove frontiere e progettare nuove soluzioni.

Il Comitato Scientifico


Take a look at our labs Rome

The Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale offers the chance to visit its research laboratories and meet researchers working in the field of biomedicine. People attending the event will then enjoy a “brunch session” focusing on the topics that have grabbed visitors’ curiosity.

Date  27/09/2016


  • 09.30: Welcome & registration
  • 10.00: Labs visit in order to learn the research topics (oncology, innovative preventive/therapeutic strategies, regenerative medicine and stem cells, neurodegenerative disorders, infectious diseases, neurogenetics, “drug discovery”, regulatory aspects of the drugs). The main used technologies and equipment will be explained.
  • Ore 12:30 “Brunch session” focusing on the topics that have most attracted visitors’ curiosity.

Sector: Healthcare biotech

Registration: daniela.fioretti@ift.cnr.it

Location: Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale, Area di Ricerca Roma2 Tor Vergata Laboratori e Sala Conferenze – Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100

Ask more: sandra.iurescia@ift.cnr.it

In collaboration with: Istituto di Farmacologia Traslazionale

New outbreaks of Avian Influenza in Italy: IFT at the Kazakistan National Television

New outbreaks of Avian Influenza in Italy: IFT at the Kazakistan National Television


Summer School on Advanced Topics on Cell Modell System

AIMS: An intensive one week laboratory and lecturer school for PhD students and young researchers in the Eternal City Rome to facilitate an effective sharing and dissemination of new and innovative research ideas, strategies, focal points on cell model systems to promote pharmaceutical, pharmacogenomics, tissue engineering and computational research together with twelve outstanding scientists from different countries: Germany, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Twelve scientists of the Research Establishment of National Research Council (CNR) will impart practical exercises at laboratories on techniques in model membrane systems, biomedical application, optical microscopy, Raman and IR spectroscopy, nanostructures and biosensors, and dynamic molecular simulation.

No other schools are present in Europe on this specific topic and mixing of theoretical and practical approaches.
The school is certified as UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. The management respects the standard procedure and quality of international level.

For further information, please, visit: www.cms3.cnr.it.

Summer School on Advanced Topics on Cell Modell System Poster_2016_